Saturday, April 21, 2012

A more promising afternoon snack

Guest post written by Chloe Martin I am just so tired of eating regular old snacks that come from the store. Sometimes you just know that you want something that's homemade. I'm not the best cook, but I think that I make up for that in enthusiasm and effort. I'm always trying to come up with something or try my hand at some difficult recipe.

Most of the time, though, I'll just look up a recipe online and use one that I find there instead of creating something from scratch. I love to make a recipe from scratch and see what I can come up with, but that's obviously a lot more time consuming. While I was looking around online to find a good recipe, I saw this site called debt settlement family. I looked at the content some and after that I decided to use it to help out with my financial debts.

During my search I found this hummus recipe that just sounded so good that I had to try it out for myself. It wasn't very hard to make and I have to say that once I got it the right consistency, it was so much better than any store bought hummus I'd ever tasted. I think I'll be making this quite often.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Looking for crafters

I made this blog, to be a place to help people make, and save money!
Today I found a little gift shop called Putunias in Wilmington, MA, that sells homemade crafts. The owner is currently looking for local crafters. If you have a hobby, it might be time to start making money with your talent.

I like to airbrush, but never really sold anything I've made. Most of what I make is copyrighted therefore I can't legally sell them. I just make them for my son . It is now a tradition, every year for his Birthday I airbrush him a shirt. This started when he was two! First it was the Backyard agains, Dragon Tales, Fantastic Four, Bubble Guppies, and Power Rangers.

Below are some of the shirts I made!